FSNE's 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge and our May Network Cafe!

Join the NH Food Alliance for two upcoming opportunities to engage in advancing racial equity across the New Hampshire food system. As we heard about during our March Network Cafe, Food Solutions New England (FSNE) is hosting the 8th Annual 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge, starting on April 4, 2022. The Challenge is a self-guided learning journey for individuals and groups to examine the history and impacts of racism and inequities and how they are connected to our food system. To learn more about the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge, watch the recording of our March Network Cafe featuring a presentation from FSNE's Communications Director, Lisa Fernandes.

The NH Food Alliance Backbone team will be participating in the Challenge this year and we are encouraging all of our network partners and other organizations and individuals involved in our food system to register as well. Following the end of the Challenge on April 24, the NH Food Alliance will host its May Network Cafe as a space for Challenge participants to reflect on their learnings and for other food system professionals focused on racial equity to share about their work and network. Registration details for both the 8th Annual 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge and NHFA's May Network Cafe are below. If you have any questions, reach out here


8th annual 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge

FSNE's 8th Annual 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge
In its 8th year, the Challenge is a great way to learn about the history and impacts of racism on our current food system while inspiring participants with resources and tools to build racial equity in their work and lives. People from all over the country participate in the Challenge, coordinated by the Food Solutions New England network in order to raise awareness, shift attitudes and change outcomes.

Register here
Share! View the Outreach Toolkit here

May 6 Network Cafe Racial Equity

Learn and Reflect: Advancing Racial Equity in the New Hampshire Food System

Building on momentum from the 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge, our May Café is designed to explore how the Challenge’s call to  “Learn, Think, and Act” to advance racial equity and food justice is taking shape in New Hampshire. Join in the conversation to hear insights, challenges, and strategies for promoting a just, sustainable and vibrant food system in our state.