Join the Network

Join the Network
Weighing carrots at Highwater Farm in Bartlett, New Hampshire

Photo by Ink + Light Creative


Individuals, farm or food business owners, and organizations of all sizes are welcome to join the NH Food Alliance network. We don’t collect dues; our network partners demonstrate their commitment to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in New Hampshire by embracing collaboration and prioritizing collective action. As a part of the network, you will have access to information and resources to support your work as a food system friend or professional, the space to connect with like-minded Granite Staters who champion our local food culture, and the opportunity to share your own expertise and time with other network partners in our work together.

Joining the network is as simple as connecting with the NH Food Alliance through its communications channels and getting to know network partners via our partner map, or as enriching as committing to the collaborative work of one of our actions team. Explore all of the ways to join in below and get started!






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Join the NH Food System Listserv

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Sign up for the monthly newsletter

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Peruse the Network News

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Join the LinkedIn Group

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Follow us on Facebook

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Attend the NH Food System Statewide Gathering

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Join a Network Cafe










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Join an Action Team

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Get on our Partner Map