NH Food Alliance is a statewide network that connects the people, business, organizations, and communities dedicated to growing a thriving, fair, and sustainable local food system in the Granite State. Together we build relationships, learn from each other, and catalyze collaboration to advance our common goals, respond creatively to challenges, and amplify our collective impact.
Meet the Backbone Team
The NH Food Alliance is a program of the UNH Sustainability Institute. Our small but mighty Backbone Team coordinates daily network operations, including facilitating communication, connection, and learning across the network to advance our shared goals.

Curious to better understand what we do? Read about the past year of work, collaborations and accomplishments by the NH Food Alliance in the 2023-2024 Annual Report.
The NH Food Alliance began building a statewide network and developing shared goals for the food system in 2013.
Phase I: Design & Connect - 2013
A diverse team of food system leaders and stakeholders known as the NH Network Design Team (NHNDT) designed a food system network structure and a process for identifying shared goals and strategies. We reviewed food system plans, reports, and data from NH and the region and built connections and relationships across the state.
Phase I: Summary
Phase II: Engage & Develop – 2014-2015
In 2014, we engaged over 250 people in listening sessions, focus groups, and workshops across the state to identify critical opportunities and challenges in the NH food system. From among these priority concerns, our Data Synthesis Team identified potential opportunity areas, or parts of the system where a targeted shift can result in positive changes throughout the rest of the system. Farm, fish, and food enterprise viability emerged as the most promising entry point among interconnected opportunity areas to begin our collaborative work. The resulting Viability Initiative outlines the approaches and recommendations that reflect the voices and unique interests and needs of Granite Staters and as such, are meant to evolve, change and adapt moving forward.
Throughout Phase II, the NH Food Alliance continued to nurture connections and relationships across food system sectors. Our Process Team and Strategy Team developed a shared vision, goals, and overarching strategy for the network. A robust and healthy network will ensure that the Viability Initiative, and future initiatives of the NH Food Alliance, will be successful.
Regional Gatherings Report
Viability Initiative
Phase III: Collaborate & Adapt - 2016 and beyond
In early 2016, the Viability Working Group was organized and began to prioritize and refine the goals and approaches outlined in the Viability Initiative. This process resulted in a set of action priorities in five focus areas (Market Development, Fisheries, Education, Land Resources, Food Access) to guide implementation of the Viability Initiative. Action Teams were organized, and began meeting in February 2017. The Action Teams meet and work regularly, and report progress through the Food Alliance's newsletter and network gatherings. Meanwhile, the Food Alliance will continue to build and nurture the network, and launch new initiatives as determined by network partners.
Viability Working Group Summary & Action Plan
Detailed Action Plan Worksheets