"New Hampshire’s more than 4,000 farms annually support over 20,000 jobs and provide an economic value of approximately $1.2 billion through a combination of direct product sales, labor and employment, and agritourism. More importantly, they are key contributors to resilient local food systems, each year producing millions of gallons of milk and pounds of fruits and vegetables.
Despite this bounty and New Englanders’ deeply rooted culture of purchasing locally grown products, there are persisting challenges to enabling Granite State farmers to access more markets that support their economic viability, as well as supporting consumers to take advantage of the numerous opportunities and benefits of buying local. Researchers with the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station (NHAES) are seeking ways to strengthen local and regional food systems so that New England farmers can capture greater value from their products, consumers can increase their well-being from local foods, and the overall economy can grow from this increased local and regional supply chains." read more