Are you an early childhood education provider, either in a center or a home? Vital Communities wants your feedback on designing a pilot program to reduce barriers to operating meal programs in early childhood education programs!
High-quality, affordable, accessible ECE is essential not just for young children and their families but our communities' ability to maintain a workforce to provide us with the goods and services we need. Through a survey and conversations with ECE providers, Vital Communities has learned that feeding the children in their programs is one of the difficulties ECE programs face and that the main pathways to serving more healthful, local food may be:
- Delivery of produce/local foods or pre-made meals
- Infrastructure updates
- Technical assistance with Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), a meal program reimbursement program.
A $50 stipend will be available to each person after every meeting as a thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge! If you would like to join one or more of the focus groups, register here