The Mena Research Lab at the University of New Hampshire is conducting a research study to understand farm to early childhood and parent engagement activities in early care and education programs in New Hampshire. The project director for this study, is Dr. Noereem Mena, PhD RDN LD, nutrition professor at the University of New Hampshire. Take or share the survey here
In support of the study, Dr. Mena is also building a coalition of early childhood care providers interested in Farm to Early Childhood Education. Farm to early care and education coalition can facilitate collaborating efforts, breaking silos by creating a common place for all working in early childhood health. Dr. Mena and her team are currently looking for potential statewide partners from various sectors of influence throughout NH— education, equity, agriculture, policy, economy, health, expertise and community. They will be reaching out later this year with more information and an update on project activities.
Sign up to be part of the coalition here