"Here at USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), we are supporting conservation efforts on working lands. We provide one-on-one assistance to producers and communities, and we are taking steps to ensure our conservation solutions integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Indigenous Stewardship Methods (ISM).
Native Americans are this land’s original conservationists, and we want to make sure that NRCS is listening to tribes to help shape conservation programs and practices.
We’re proud of the technical assistance that we provide to 345 federally recognized tribes, or 60 percent of all tribal nations, on 75 million acres, through our field offices nationwide. Between 2005 and 2021, NRCS also provided financial assistance to 163 Native American tribes.
In recent years, NRCS has taken bold steps toward equity, justice and opportunity for all producers, including tribal producers. These efforts are driven by wise council from tribes and intertribal organizations. Recognizing the federal government’s trust responsibilities to tribes, NRCS has moved forward on several technical and programmatic efforts in recent years to ensure our products and services offered through voluntary conservation programs are meeting the needs of Tribal Nations." Read more