Helping Homeowners Become Home Creators

It’s no secret: the Monadnock Region has a housing shortage. Home prices and rents are going up. Vacancies and inventory are low. There is no one size fits all solution. We need a variety of approaches to address the issue. We need a full cast of community members to step up to the challenge.

Everyday homeowners have a role to play. On many residential sites, opportunity exists to develop an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), a home on the same property as a primary dwelling unit. An ADU can be physically attached to the primary dwelling or detached. They are gaining attention as a housing option that can fit within a wide variety of neighborhood contexts, whether urban or rural. ADUs can also address urgent housing needs, such as the prevailing desire among older adults to age in place.

The Monadnock Region ADU Design Challenge aims to connect interested homeowners with architects, students, and building professionals who can provide design services and help homeowners imagine how an ADU could take shape on their property. The homeowners benefit from free design services. The architects, students, and building professionals competing in the challenge benefit from the positive publicity and have a shot at winning a minimum cash prize of $5,000. The region as a whole benefits from a better understanding of how ADUs can fit within our local communities. A triple win. Learn more