Climate and Food Action Team

Climate and Food Action Team
barn sunset


The objective of the Climate and Food Action Team is to make connections across organizations, institutions, and initiatives to ensure that food systems are a part of climate-focused activities and climate resilience is part of food system planning, policy, and initiatives. We do this by bringing together advocates at the intersection of climate resilience, food systems, and emergency planning and policy development.  

Each year, the Climate and Food Action Team does the following: 

  • Host at least one climate related session at the NH Food System Statewide Gathering
  • Hosts monthly Climate Action Team meetings
  • Spearheads one initiative that's intended to engage a broader audience**


The team meets virtually on the second Thursday of each month from 11am-12pm. During monthly meetings we
  • Share events, resources, and initiatives related to climate and food in New Hampshire and New England
  • Plan and strategize for climate related session at the NH Food System Statewide Gathering
  • Support/oversee/collaborate on annual initiative to reach a broader audience 


Join the Climate and Food Action Team today.

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