Improve Food Security and Local Food Access

orange peppers

Hunger, sometimes used interchangeably with food insecurity, is a real and enduring problem in the Granite State. Recent household survey data show that a staggering 1 in 6 NH households, most of them with children, are food insecure today; meaning they lack regular access to enough food for an active, healthy life. This number is almost 2 ½ times the rate at the beginning of 2020, illustrating how the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly increased food insecurity in our state.  

At the same time, partners across the state are working hard to ensure that all people in New Hampshire have access to affordable, reliable, and nutritious food. We’re also coming up with innovative ways to increase access to local food, giving a needed boost to local food producers and businesses. 

Current Collaborations

NH Food Access Coalition (support role)

The NH Food Access Coalition brings together public health and food system professionals to develop and advocate for policy change to ensure food security for all in New Hampshire. The group meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month from 10-11:30am to build relationships and strategize about how to use our collective voice to influence policy change. The Coalition is coordinated by NH Hunger Solutions and supported by the NH Children’s Health Foundation.  Learn more about the NH Food Access Coalition and get involved today! 

NH Feeding NH  (support role)

The NH Food Bank, in partnership with the NH Food Alliance, NH Farm Bureau and NOFA-NH, launched NH Feeding NH, a statewide initiative designed to support the purchase of NH grown food to feed our food insecure neighbors with nutritious, locally grown produce throughout NH communities during COVID-19 and beyond. 

Network News about Local Food Access and Food Insecurity

January 15, February 12 & March 12
Please join for an engaging and hands-on experience with our upcoming Train the Trainer Workshop Series, designed for health care professionals, food ... Learn More
Article via NH Business Review
New data released by the U.S. Census Bureau provides insight into the economic well-being of Granite Staters. According to 2023 state-level American C... Learn More
Article via the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute
The most recent USDA food insecurity data was collected through the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey in 2023. In order to produce more r... Learn More