Part of NH Food Alliance's 2024-2025 Network Cafe Series

coastline seafood supply chain

On December 6, the NH Food Alliance held its monthly Network Café part of their 2024-2025 Network Café Series covering the complicated seafood supply chain system here in New Hampshire. Katelyn Porter, of the NH Food Alliance, grounded attendees with seafood supply chains 101, followed by Denise Hunt, owner of Coastline Seafood, who brought the supply chain to life by sharing about their work shortening the links from boat dock to loading dock. Attendees heard about the challenges and successes in local seafood sourcing and asked questions to further the conversation and move toward solutions to keep more local seafood in the Granite State.

Please view the full recording of the December Network Café below. Highlights from the café can be found here on our Instagram. Feel free to follow along with the recording and access resources through the Network Café agenda here. And if you attended the Network Café and did not take the evaluation, please respond here.

The next Network Café in the series will be on Friday, January 3 from 12-1PM. We will be hosting the 2025 NH Agricultural Policy Forum. Register and get more details here
