Through the Product, Market, and Issue brief development, the subject matter experts identified organizations that, at the time of the Strategic Plan’s publishing, were working on issues related to the brief topic. The Strategic Plan Development Team combined the organization lists from each brief into the Organizational Directory, which lists every organization across the briefs and each brief that organization appears in.
Many organizations work across New Hampshire and New England to strengthen our local food system, but their work, support, and resources are sometimes fragmented and inaccessible. The NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan, including the creation of the Organizational Directory, are the first steps towards understanding the work happening in our food system and better coordinating efforts underway. Moving forward, we must continue to build effective and viable professional networks across the state.
Furthermore, many of the limitations and challenges that New Hampshire food producers face transcend state lines and are most deeply affected by federal policy. To that end, we must continue to participate in regional efforts that bring together the voices of New England’s small farms, fishermen, and food businesses, like the New England Food System Planners Partnership, to advocate for support at a national level.
View the Organizational Directory here