Establish a coordinated statewide promotion program through an expansion of the work and infrastructure of NH Eats Local Month. This will include:
- Developing a New Hampshire grown, raised, and caught labeling system to distinguish genuinely local products and build consumer trust and loyalty. The labeling initiative will leverage research on successful programs like Buy CT Grown and Taste NY to determine best practices and funding needs.
- Launching a statewide marketing and education campaign to promote the benefits of buying local food, including local seafood. The campaign will focus on increasing consumer awareness, supporting regional organizations, and establishing partnerships with businesses and community organizations outside of the food system. The campaign will include multilingual outreach materials and community-led engagement initiatives to address the diverse needs of New Hampshire’s population.
- Funding for one full-time equivalent (FTE) position to oversee the entire program, including the labeling initiative, marketing and education campaigns, and outreach efforts. The position will ensure coordination and effective use of resources across all components.
- Securing funding for program implementation based on research into other successful local food initiatives, with an initial funding proposal informed by the needs of the labeling system and marketing campaign.
Craving context? This recommendation is included in the Direct-to-Consumer & Consumer Education brief, part of the NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan.
Read the Direct-to-Consumer & Consumer Education brief here