Expand the statewide food waste ban

The ban expansion could incrementally include all wasted food disposal (i.e., the Massachusetts Commercial Food Material Disposal Ban1 and the Vermont Food Scrap Ban2).

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Commercial Food Material Disposal Ban. Mass.gov. Published October 2021. https://www.mass.gov/guides/commercial-food-material-disposal-ban
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation, Waste Management & Prevention Division, Solid Waste Program. Universal Recycling: Food Scrap Ban Guidance. Dec.vermont.gov. Published June 2020. https://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/wmp/SolidWaste/Documents/Universal-Recycling/Food-Scrap-Ban-Guidance.pdf


Craving context? This recommendation is included in the Wasted Food brief, part of the NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan.

Read the Wasted Food brief here