Apply by May 22, 2024!
Intended applicants: LCHIP grant funds may be used for certain costs directly associated with the acquisition of land or easements for the purpose of protecting ecologically significant lands, existing and potential public water supply lands, farmland, forestland, habitat for rare species or important wildlife, lands for recreation; shorelands, scenic areas and viewshed, and wetlands and associated uplands.
Summary: Land conservation endeavors to protect ecologically significant land for a variety of purposes, including water quality protection, wildlife habitat protection and enhancement, preservation of scenic views, and conservation of important forest and agricultural lands.
Land conservation helps to maintain New Hampshire’s economic base by ensuring an adequate long-term supply of forest products, and local food remains available, as well as enhancing the tourism industry. Land conservation not only protects the irreplaceable physical resources of our natural environment, but also protects the vitality, quality of life, and sense of place that are so important in our communities and in our state.
All resources conserved with LCHIP funds are required to be protected with a conservation easement or deed restrictions, or in some cases a grant agreement.