The work rules will change so that most adults ages 18-54 without dependents or disabilities must provide proof of work hours to receive SNAP benefits for more than 3 months in a 3 year period. (This is a change from ages 18-52) People who are 53 and 54 year olds will now be subject to these rules and may not know so it is really important for people to get the word out. The NH Easy website has the information posted, but I am not sure if DHHS is sending anything to people who are subject to the rule. There are important exemptions for people who cannot work due to a physical or mental condition, who have a child in the household under 18, who are pregnant, who are unhoused, who are veterans or are former foster youth under age 25. Here is a flier we did to share with folks in your coalitions: SNAP Work Rules Flier 2024.10.1.pdf
Also, there will be changes to SNAP maximum allotments, standard deductions, maximum excess shelter deductions, maximum homeless shelter deductions and the threshold for reporting changes in household income that will be beneficial to SNAP recipients. SNAP FY 2024 Cost-of-Living Adjustments | Food and Nutrition Service