Provide dedicated state, federal, and private funding for agricultural conservation easement programs and land trusts

This can be done in the following ways:

  • Expand existing state and private funding programs to prioritize farmland protection projects. 
  • Secure adequate funding for the state’s Agricultural Land Preservation Program, which can be used to match federal dollars. 
  • Develop programs similar to successful programs in other New England states, like Vermont’s Housing and Conservation Board and the Connecticut Community Investment Act. 
  • Increase land trust staff capacity and training to prioritize farmland conservation. 
  • Increase education for land trusts and the general public about considerations and opportunities related to farmland conservation.

Craving context? This recommendation is included in the Farmland Conservation, Access, & Succession brief, part of the NH Food and Agriculture Strategic Plan.

Read the Farmland Conservation, Access, & Succession brief here