State Agencies

Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Overhaul the regulatory oversight of the New Hampshire food and beverage industry
A significant, collaborative, and evaluation-based overhaul of food and beverage regulatory oversight is recommended, including: Evaluating the…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Value-Added Processing & Co-Manufacturing Policy/Regulation
Invest $2 million to subsidize the cost of testing soil samples
Funding the subsidization of soil testing could include microbial residue and PFAS and expand the testing capability of the University of New…
Natural Resources & Climate Production Techniques for Sustainable Ecosystems Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Allocate $5 million annually to grants for farmers using or transitioning to sustainable practices
Allocate $5 million annually, including seeking matching private investments, to a state-funded grant program that provides up to $250,000 to farmers…
Equity & Justice, Natural Resources & Climate Production Techniques for Sustainable Ecosystems Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Expand Granite State Market Match and strengthen local food access infrastructure
Increase funding for programs, like NH Feeding NH, Granite State Market Match, and Double Up Food Bucks to improve access to fresh, local foods.…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Nutrition Access & Security Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding, Policy/Regulation
Systematize food access data collection
Incorporate food access into existing statewide and regional data collection systems, like Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs), Community…
Nutrition & Access Nutrition Access & Security Coordination/Network development or support, Research/Study
Conduct research on Federal Nutrition Programs every three years
This research should identify barriers to enrollment and participation, methods to improve utilization, and address community food access needs.…
Nutrition & Access Nutrition Access & Security Coordination/Network development or support, Research/Study
Enhance cultural competence in the public assistance workforce
Develop and pilot an ongoing statewide training/coaching program for all public assistance workers that trains in cultural competence to better serve…
Engagement & Education, Equity & Justice Nutrition Access & Security Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Improve outreach and education campaigns for food assistance programs and food insecurity issues
Launch public education campaigns to raise awareness about food assistance programs and food insecurity issues, addressing stigma while providing…
Engagement & Education, Equity & Justice Nutrition Access & Security Program creation, support, or expansion, Coordination/Network development or support
Streamline enrollment and extend recertification for food access programs
Implement auto-enrollment in SNAP, WIC, and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) with Medicaid and extend SNAP recertification periods to ensure…
Equity & Justice, Nutrition & Access Nutrition Access & Security Policy/Regulation
Address policy and funding barriers for food access programs
Advocate for state and federal funding to expand federal nutrition programs, including support for staff and program implementation. Simplify…
Nutrition & Access Nutrition Access & Security Investment/Funding, Policy/Regulation