State Agencies

Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Provide farms and food businesses financial incentives through state policy
Develop state policy that provides farms and food businesses with tax exemptions and abatements, start-up funds and incentives, business technical…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Access to Capital Investment/Funding, Policy/Regulation
Produce consumer marketing to promote local food as a community issue
This marketing should emphasize the benefits of local food to personal health, local economies, the quality and freshness of local products, and the…
Engagement & Education Restaurants Program creation, support, or expansion
Analyze and develop a distribution system for New Hampshire food products
Conduct a distribution analysis to identify existing infrastructure and distribution routes in the state and identify opportunities for further…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Restaurants Coordination/Network development or support, Research/Study
Create an advisory board to increase restaurants sourcing local ingredients
Create an advisory board or legislative commission, housed in the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food, to support and advocate for…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Restaurants Program creation, support, or expansion, Policy/Regulation
Pass legislation that subsidizes purchases of local food by New Hampshire schools
Pass an ongoing, permanent Local Food for Local Schools Purchasing Incentive Pilot Program that subsidizes purchases of local food by New Hampshire…
Engagement & Education, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Institutional Markets Program creation, support, or expansion, Policy/Regulation
Amend bidding regulations for state-funded food purchasing
Assess and amend the current lowest-cost state bidding regulations for state-funded food purchasing to include geographic preference of local food,…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Institutional Markets Policy/Regulation
Implement RSA 425:2-a, the NH Granite State Farm to Plate Food Policy and Principles
Support the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food in implementing RSA 425:2-a, the NH Granite State Farm to Plate Food Policy and…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Institutional Markets Program creation, support, or expansion, Coordination/Network development or support, Policy/Regulation
Increase cold and dry storage capacity through funding opportunities for farmers, distributors, and aggregators
By providing funding opportunities for on-farm, on-site (for distributors), or community-held storage facilities, aggregation and bulk order…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Grocery Stores & Food Cooperatives Investment/Funding
Increase organizational capacity to support growers selling to wholesale markets
Increasing capacity for organizations, like UNH Extension, would allow for opportunities to offer more resources for business technical assistance,…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Grocery Stores & Food Cooperatives Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Support the production of other tree syrups, such as birch, in New Hampshire
This support would primarily occur through continued research and market development.
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Natural Resources & Climate Syrup Investment/Funding, Research/Study