Apply by May 3, 2024!
Awards: $6,000 per applicant
Match: none
Intended applicants: Must be an SFA or RA currently participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or School Breakfast Program (SBP) in NH. a. Multiple schools in the same SFA/RA may apply – separate applications must be submitted for each school/site. 2. SFAs and RAs do not need to have existing school gardens to submit a proposal.
The Office of Nutrition Programs and Services (ONPS), part of the NH Department of Education, is administering the F2S School gardens Grant with funding from The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm to School State Agency (SA) Grant. Overview: School gardening and other F2S educational activities can improve school food service operations in a variety of ways.
Below is a list of the positive impacts associated with school gardens:
- Improving student attitudes towards fruits and vegetables
- Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables
- Improving job satisfaction and staff retention
- Providing quality fresh product at competitive prices or no cost
- Increasing school meal participation
The ONPS will issue competitive grants to New Hampshire (NH) School Food Authorities (SFA) or Reporting Authorities (RA) that meets eligibility requirements described below. Responses to this request for applications received by the deadline will be scored by independent peer reviewers. The primary purpose of this grant is to provide funding and support for SAUs/RAs participating in Child Nutrition Programs for the implementation and expansion of school gardens and Farm to School efforts.