Farm to School

Resource Category Topic Type
NH Department of Education Farm to School (F2S) School Gardens Grants
The New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED) will issue competitive grants to Eligible NH School Food Authorities (SFA) and Reporting Authorities…
Other Farm to School Annual
Project SCALES
Apply for Project SCALES grant to improve school food system and supply chain
USDA Farm to School Annual
The People’s Garden Initiative
The program will fund projects that support community-based gardens promoting sustainable agriculture practices that benefit people and wildlife.
Other Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Farm to School, Farmland Conservation and Access Annual
Gerstenberger Scholarship Fund (GSF)
The GSF offers scholarships to members and employees of local co-ops who seek to further the cooperative movement through education, training, and/or…
Other Farm to School, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Get Schools Cooking Grant Program
Get Schools Cooking (GSC) is an intensive 3-year assessment and strategic planning program from the Chef Ann Foundation that provides schools with…
Audience: Non profits
Other Farm to School Annual
Newman’s Own Foundation Food Justice for Kids Prize
To help nourish and transform the lives of children who face adversity in the U.S., Newman’s Own Foundation is launching the Food Justice for Kids…
Other Equity, Farm to School, Farmland Conservation and Access Annual
Farm to School (F2S) School Gardens Grants
The Office of Nutrition Programs and Services (ONPS), part of the NH Department of Education, is administering the F2S School gardens Grant with…
Other Farm to School, Food Access and Nutrition Annual
Northeast SARE Partnership Grant Program
Partnership Grants are open to anyone who works with farmers, including personnel at nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, Cooperative…
Audience: Farmers, Non profits
Other Farm to School, Farmland Conservation and Access, Food Access and Nutrition, Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Farm to School Grants
The Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program is designed to increase the availability of local foods in schools and help connect students to the…
USDA Farm to School Annual
Upper Valley Farm to School Mini-Grant Application
Vital Communities is pleased to announce the Upper Valley Farm to School Mini-Grant Application for 2024. These grants will help your school, early…
Audience: Non profits
Other Farm to School Annual