Food System Communications, Education, Marketing

Resource Category Topic Type
2025 Community Driven Economic Empower Grant
The Community-Driven Economic Empowerment (C-DEE) Grant Program is now accepting applications. The one-time capacity-building grant is designed to…
Other Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing One Time
Business Builder Sub-Awards via the USDA Regional Food Business Center
The Business Builder sub-award program will equip small- and mid-sized farm and food businesses with funding to develop and amplify regional supply…
USDA Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing One Time
The Fruit Guys Community Fund
The Fruit Guys Community Fund is accepting applications from small U.S. farms for grants up to $5,000. For-profit operations less than 250 acres that…
Audience: Farmers
Other Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Gerstenberger Scholarship Fund (GSF)
The GSF offers scholarships to members and employees of local co-ops who seek to further the cooperative movement through education, training, and/or…
Other Farm to School, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Hanover Cooperative Community Fund (HCCF) Community Project Grants
Established nearly 25 years ago by the Co-op Board, the HCCF has contributed more than $500,000 toward an endowment, the Twin Pines Cooperative…
Other Equity, Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Champions of NH Farms Grant Program
The Champions of New Hampshire Farms grant program is established to benefit New Hampshire organizations. The intent is to provide funds to…
Other Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Northeast SARE Partnership Grant Program
Partnership Grants are open to anyone who works with farmers, including personnel at nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, Cooperative…
Audience: Farmers, Non profits
Other Farm to School, Farmland Conservation and Access, Food Access and Nutrition, Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Regional Food System Partnerships
Supports partnerships that connect public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems, focused on strengthening the…
Audience: Farmers
USDA Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Local Food Promotion Program
Funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand local and regional food business enterprises that engage as intermediaries in indirect producer to…
Audience: Businesses
USDA Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual
Local Food Promotion Program
USDA's Local Food Promotion Program funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand local and regional food business enterprises that engage…
USDA Food System Communications, Education, Marketing Annual