Food System Communications, Education, Marketing
Resource | Category | Topic | Type |
2025 Community Driven Economic Empower Grant The Community-Driven Economic Empowerment (C-DEE) Grant Program is now accepting applications. The one-time capacity-building grant is designed to…
Other | Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | One Time |
Business Builder Sub-Awards via the USDA Regional Food Business Center The Business Builder sub-award program will equip small- and mid-sized farm and food businesses with funding to develop and amplify regional supply…
USDA | Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | One Time |
The Fruit Guys Community Fund The Fruit Guys Community Fund is accepting applications from small U.S. farms for grants up to $5,000. For-profit operations less than 250 acres that…
Audience: Farmers |
Other | Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | Annual |
Gerstenberger Scholarship Fund (GSF) The GSF offers scholarships to members and employees of local co-ops who seek to further the cooperative movement through education, training, and/or…
Other | Farm to School, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | Annual |
Hanover Cooperative Community Fund (HCCF) Community Project Grants Established nearly 25 years ago by the Co-op Board, the HCCF has contributed more than $500,000 toward an endowment, the Twin Pines Cooperative…
Other | Equity, Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | Annual |
Champions of NH Farms Grant Program The Champions of New Hampshire Farms grant program is established to benefit New Hampshire organizations. The intent is to provide funds to…
Other | Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | Annual |
Northeast SARE Partnership Grant Program Partnership Grants are open to anyone who works with farmers, including personnel at nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, Cooperative…
Audience: Farmers, Non profits |
Other | Farm to School, Farmland Conservation and Access, Food Access and Nutrition, Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | Annual |
Regional Food System Partnerships Supports partnerships that connect public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems, focused on strengthening the…
Audience: Farmers |
USDA | Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | Annual |
Local Food Promotion Program Funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand local and regional food business enterprises that engage as intermediaries in indirect producer to…
Audience: Businesses |
USDA | Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | Annual |
Local Food Promotion Program USDA's Local Food Promotion Program funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand local and regional food business enterprises that engage…
USDA | Food System Communications, Education, Marketing | Annual |