One Time

Resource Category Topic Type
2025 Community Driven Economic Empower Grant
The Community-Driven Economic Empowerment (C-DEE) Grant Program is now accepting applications. The one-time capacity-building grant is designed to…
Other Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing One Time
Business Builder Sub-Awards via the USDA Regional Food Business Center
The Business Builder sub-award program will equip small- and mid-sized farm and food businesses with funding to develop and amplify regional supply…
USDA Food Business Infrastructure, Food System Communications, Education, Marketing One Time
NOFA-NH's Organic Transition Fund Mini-Grants
NOFA-NH invites NH farmers to apply for our new Organic Transition Fund mini-grants! Building on our Farmer Relief Fund in 2023, NOFA-NH has received…
Audience: Farmers
Food Business Infrastructure One Time
PASA's Climate-Smart Farming & Marketing Grant Program
Agriculture is one of the largest contributors to global carbon emissions—but it doesn’t have to be. That’s why Pasa Sustainable Agriculture and…
Audience: Farmers
USDA Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation One Time
Inflation Reduction Act Community Change Grants Program
EPA's Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change (Community Change Grants) provides funding for financial and technical assistance to…
Other Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation One Time
American Lobster Research Funding Opportunity
The National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) anticipates approximately $2,000,000 in FY2024 federal funds will be available to eligible applicants to support…
Audience: Fisherman
Other Food Business Infrastructure One Time
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Opportunties Tool
The Local Infrastructure Hub is a national program designed to connect cities and towns with the resources and expert advice they need to access…
Other Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Food Business Infrastructure One Time
Rural Energy for America Technical Assistance Grant Program
The purpose of the REAP TAG Program is to enable applicants to provide technical assistance to Agricultural Producers and Rural Small Businesses…
USDA Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Food Business Infrastructure One Time
Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program
The Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI) is designed to build resilience in the middle-of-the-supply-chain in the Granite State and…
Audience: Businesses, Farmers
Other Food Business Infrastructure One Time
Regional Integrated Pest Management Centers Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Grant
The DEIA Grants program aims to support projects and initiatives that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within IPM and the…
Audience: Non profits
Other Equity One Time