Apply by November 29, 2024!
Established nearly 25 years ago by the Co-op Board, the HCCF has contributed more than $500,000 toward an endowment, the Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation, which returns interest to the Co-op for distribution to local nonprofits in the form of Community Project Grants. Grants offers financial assistance to nonprofits that align with our values and principles.
Eligible recipients are:
- Nonprofit, non-denominational, and nonpartisan (not affiliated with or promoting any political party or candidate);
- Non-discriminatory on the basis of race, creed, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or physical disability;
- Those that primarily benefit the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont as defined by the Vital Communities Service Area.
Funding requests can be between $500 and $2,500 in aid, with exceptions for noteworthy need.
The fund will prioritize giving that fit the following criteria:
a) Alignment with Co-op Values: Employees, Community, Local, and Environment.
b) Organization is new, grassroots, or less resourced.
c) Beneficiaries and/or projects are local to the Upper Valley.
d) The organization and/or project helps address climate change and/or supports the local food system.