USDA Department: Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
Application period: February-May
Awards Range: $100,000 to $1,000,000
Match: 25%
Intended applicants: Partnerships are eligible to apply to RFSP. A partnership is an agreement between one or more eligible entities and one or more eligible partners. Eligible entities include producers, farmer or rancher cooperatives, producer networks or associations, majority-controlled producer-based business venture, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) networks and associations, food councils, local governments, nonprofit and public benefit corporations, economic development corporations, regional farmers’ market authorities, and tribal governments. Eligible partners include state agencies or regional authorities, philanthropic corporations, private corporations, institutions of higher education, and commercial, federal, or Farm Credit System Lending Institutions.
Grant focus: Public and private collaboration to build resilient food economies
Summary: Supports partnerships that connect public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems, focused on strengthening the viability and resilience of regional food economies through collaboration and coordination