Local Food Economy

Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Collaborate with local governments to support zoning changes to allow affordable housing on farm properties
Zoning changes to increase affordable housing would include housing for employees to address both housing and labor needs, while introducing a…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Local Food Economy Supporting Future & Beginning Farmers Policy/Regulation
Protect farm workers and reduce barriers to worker benefits
Define key terms in regulation, including “intern,” and reduce barriers to worker benefits through law changes. Specifically welcome communities that…
Equity & Justice, Local Food Economy Labor & Workforce Policy/Regulation
Address the underutilization of public programs and establish public benefit navigation services for farmers and workers
Assess causes of underutilization within existing programs that serve farmers and food producers. Establish public benefit navigation services to…
Local Food Economy Labor & Workforce Resource/tool creation, support or expansion, Program creation, support, or expansion
Facilitate cross-sector collaboration to connect seasonal agricultural workers with off-season employment
Connect employers from different sectors and seasonal agricultural workers with employment outside of food production seasons, providing pathways to…
Local Food Economy Labor & Workforce Coordination/Network development or support
Create a multi-year plan to build capacity for and attract new agricultural professionals
This plan could include identifying skill gaps in organizations currently offering farm business technical assistance, accounting for the diversity…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Local Food Economy Farm Business Technical Assistance Program creation, support, or expansion, Coordination/Network development or support
Perform multi-area research on climate impacts to support farmers in adaptation
Research climate impacts on water, soil, pests, animal management, the effects of heat on human health, and applied climate research on farming…
Local Food Economy, Natural Resources & Climate Climate Resilience & Disaster Relief Program creation, support, or expansion, Research/Study
Conduct research to demonstrate the investment value of the food system
Unlock public and private financing and investment by supporting research that details the state and value of the New Hampshire food system through…
Local Food Economy, Natural Resources & Climate, Nutrition & Access Access to Capital Investment/Funding, Research/Study
Launch a state-run Large Animal Veterinarian Bridge Program
The program will address gaps and demonstrate demand for a large animal veterinarian practice in New Hampshire. The program could host a veterinarian…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Local Food Economy Meat & Eggs Program creation, support, or expansion
Fund two management positions to support farmers’ markets and CSAs
Fund two full-time equivalent (FTE) positions focused on professional management and infrastructure improvements for farmers’ markets and CSAs,…
Equity & Justice, Local Food Economy, Nutrition & Access Direct-to-Consumer & Consumer Education Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding, Research/Study
Increase support and UNH Extension capacity from the University of New Hampshire
Two specific areas of support for farmers from the university are: Reinstating the Fruit and Vegetable Extension State Specialist position at UNH…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Local Food Economy Fruits & Vegetables Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding