
Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Increase flexible lending practices and policies for farms and food businesses
Bring together public and private financiers to instill more flexibility in lending practices and policies for farms and food businesses.
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Access to Capital Coordination/Network development or support, Investment/Funding
Conduct research to demonstrate the investment value of the food system
Unlock public and private financing and investment by supporting research that details the state and value of the New Hampshire food system through…
Local Food Economy, Natural Resources & Climate, Nutrition & Access Access to Capital Investment/Funding, Research/Study
Host annual local sourcing educational match-making events for restaurants and farms
Fund the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food and a non-profit partner to design and host annual educational and matchmaking events around…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Restaurants Program creation, support, or expansion, Coordination/Network development or support, Investment/Funding
Support and fund wholesale-readiness technical assistance and infrastructure
Support New Hampshire farmers and food hubs interested in reaching wholesale and institutional markets through targeted wholesale- readiness…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Institutional Markets Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Create and fund work facilitating wholesale buyer and food producer/hub relationships
The NH Food Alliance and partners to create resources directly connecting institutional buyers to appropriate New Hampshire-based wholesale food…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Institutional Markets Resource/tool creation, support or expansion, Coordination/Network development or support, Investment/Funding
Increase cold and dry storage capacity through funding opportunities for farmers, distributors, and aggregators
By providing funding opportunities for on-farm, on-site (for distributors), or community-held storage facilities, aggregation and bulk order…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Grocery Stores & Food Cooperatives Investment/Funding
Perform a feasibility study for a Seacoast-area food cooperative
Study the financial feasibility of a retail food cooperative in the Seacoast area in collaboration with grassroots support in the region. The…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Grocery Stores & Food Cooperatives Coordination/Network development or support, Investment/Funding, Research/Study
Increase organizational capacity to support growers selling to wholesale markets
Increasing capacity for organizations, like UNH Extension, would allow for opportunities to offer more resources for business technical assistance,…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Grocery Stores & Food Cooperatives Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Increase state support for the NH Maple Producers Association
This support, in addition to grant opportunities, would increase promotion of Maple Month in March, linking maple syrup to promotion of the foliage…
Engagement & Education, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Syrup Investment/Funding
Fund mushroom growers to reduce their energy costs
Provide grant support for mushroom growers to obtain renewable energy infrastructure through programs, such as the USDA Rural Energy for America…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Mushrooms Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding