Schools or Institutions

Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Increase school and youth garden programming by providing support and resources for educators
Increased school and youth garden programming in New Hampshire can provide opportunities to learn about growing food, eating and dietary choices,…
Engagement & Education, Nutrition & Access Food System Literacy, Childhood and School-Age Children Program creation, support, or expansion
Promote and expand food system literacy in New Hampshire
This can be effectively achieved by increasing the adoption of educational initiatives such as the NH Agriculture in the Classroom curriculum, the NH…
Engagement & Education, Equity & Justice Food System Literacy, Childhood and School-Age Children Resource/tool creation, support or expansion, Program creation, support, or expansion
Pass a policy to support a permanent local food procurement reimbursement program for schools
Pass a policy to support a permanent version of the Local Food for Local Schools Purchasing Incentive Pilot Program through the NH Department of…
Nutrition & Access Food System Literacy, Childhood and School-Age Children Policy/Regulation
Develop a statewide farm to school grant program
The grant program would increase funding for schools and organizations to support: Gardening space, learning kitchens, and other relevant materials;…
Engagement & Education, Nutrition & Access Food System Literacy, Childhood and School-Age Children Resource/tool creation, support or expansion, Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Launch a student program to provide marketing support for food producers
Launch a program at the University of New Hampshire that leverages student energy and existing programs (e.g., Voice Z Digital) to provide marketing…
Engagement & Education, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Direct-to-Consumer & Consumer Education Program creation, support, or expansion