UNH Extension

Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Increase support and UNH Extension capacity from the University of New Hampshire
Two specific areas of support for farmers from the university are: Reinstating the Fruit and Vegetable Extension State Specialist position at UNH…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Local Food Economy Fruits & Vegetables Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Decrease barriers to hiring on-farm help
Reducing barriers to hiring on-farm help could be achieved in the following ways: Collaborate with local governments to support zoning changes to…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Local Food Economy Fruits & Vegetables Program creation, support, or expansion, Policy/Regulation
Create an agritourism-focused university position to serve both current and future operators
Fund and hire one full-time equivalent (FTE) agritourism-focused teaching and research position. This could be a joint appointment within the…
Engagement & Education, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Agritourism Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Increase support for business planning and evaluation of agritourism activities
Organizations, such as the NH Farm Bureau, UNH Extension, and the Small Business Development Center, can work to expand business assistance resources…
Engagement & Education, Equity & Justice, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Agritourism Program creation, support, or expansion, Research/Study
Research the issue of dairy farm economic viability
Support research that improves the economic viability of farms, such as research on alternative feed for dairy cattle.
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Dairy Research/Study
Provide opportunities for education and peer learning on resilient cropping practices
Organize educational events (i.e. pasture walks, cover crop tours) to highlight practices that improve the resilience of cropping systems and…
Natural Resources & Climate Animal Feed Program creation, support, or expansion
Establish a voluntary statewide soil monitoring program
A voluntary statewide soil monitoring program would provide data on soil health conditions. This program could be run as a partnership between UNH…
Natural Resources & Climate Soil & Water Program creation, support, or expansion