
Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Expand the statewide food waste ban
The ban expansion could incrementally include all wasted food disposal (i.e., the Massachusetts Commercial Food Material Disposal Ban and the Vermont…
Natural Resources & Climate Wasted Food Policy/Regulation
Establish a Food Recovery and Diversion Working Group
The working group could be created by replicating the Solid Waste Working Group’s structure. The working group could increase food recovery and…
Natural Resources & Climate Wasted Food Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding, Policy/Regulation
Propose state policy to legally protect gardening on leased land
Introduce state legislation that creates built in legal protection for gardening on leased land by default (without extra permission), with…
Engagement & Education, Nutrition & Access Home & Community Gardens Policy/Regulation
Stipulate open space land for food production in the Master Planning process
In the Land Use section of the Master Planning process, ask towns to allow open space land, i.e. land not currently used or forested, like parks and…
Engagement & Education, Nutrition & Access Home & Community Gardens Policy/Regulation
Reserve open space land in conservation subdivisions for food production
Encourage town planning boards to require conservation subdivisions to make open space land available for food production.
Engagement & Education, Nutrition & Access Home & Community Gardens Policy/Regulation
Pass a policy to support a permanent local food procurement reimbursement program for schools
Pass a policy to support a permanent version of the Local Food for Local Schools Purchasing Incentive Pilot Program through the NH Department of…
Nutrition & Access Food System Literacy, Childhood and School-Age Children Policy/Regulation
Decrease barriers to hiring on-farm help
Reducing barriers to hiring on-farm help could be achieved in the following ways: Collaborate with local governments to support zoning changes to…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Local Food Economy Fruits & Vegetables Program creation, support, or expansion, Policy/Regulation
Clarify state and local laws, ordinances, and definitions
Many New Hampshire agritourism operators and prospective operators have expressed that laws and guidelines could be more clearly articulated (for…
Engagement & Education, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Agritourism Resource/tool creation, support or expansion, Policy/Regulation
Legalize cannabis, with a focus on cannabis-infused beverages
Legalizing cannabis would open up a multi-billion dollar market opportunity to New Hampshire farmers and beverage producers, with intentional…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Craft Beverages Policy/Regulation
Allow all craft beverage producers to sell through NH State Liquor Stores
Increase market access for New Hampshire craft beverages by allowing all small “NH Grown and Crafted” beverage producers (not just wine and liquor)…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Craft Beverages Policy/Regulation