Program creation, support, or expansion

Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Continue state funded support for source water research
Research should include storm sampling of streams draining agricultural areas, protection grants, and restoration projects.
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Natural Resources & Climate Soil & Water Program creation, support, or expansion, Research/Study
Create and maintain on-farm water resources
Support farmers’ ability and resources to create and maintain on farm water resources. These man-made and natural resources, including water…
Natural Resources & Climate Soil & Water Program creation, support, or expansion
Support the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Services’s efforts to increase farmer access to grants
Farm Bill-funded grant programs, like the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Conservation Stewardship Program, and ACT Now, often present…
Equity & Justice, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Natural Resources & Climate Soil & Water Program creation, support, or expansion
Encourage farmers to adopt soil health-focused practices
Soil-health focused practices include no- or reduced-tillage, cover cropping, composting, on-site composting, and others. Farmers who adopt these…
Natural Resources & Climate Soil & Water Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Establish a voluntary statewide soil monitoring program
A voluntary statewide soil monitoring program would provide data on soil health conditions. This program could be run as a partnership between UNH…
Natural Resources & Climate Soil & Water Program creation, support, or expansion