Program creation, support, or expansion

Recommendation Goal Brief Topic Type of Action
Provide grant assistance for farmers to secure funding for climate resilience
Fund staffing positions to assist farmers in developing climate resilience plans, identifying resources, and securing funding. Craft a uniform…
Natural Resources & Climate Climate Resilience & Disaster Relief Resource/tool creation, support or expansion, Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Perform multi-area research on climate impacts to support farmers in adaptation
Research climate impacts on water, soil, pests, animal management, the effects of heat on human health, and applied climate research on farming…
Local Food Economy, Natural Resources & Climate Climate Resilience & Disaster Relief Program creation, support, or expansion, Research/Study
Dedicate funds for UNH to provide water, soil, and pest testing services and technical assistance.
Natural Resources & Climate Climate Resilience & Disaster Relief Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Secure permanent funding for the NH Conservation Districts’ Climate Resilience Grant program
Funding for the Climate Resilience Grant program, which provides farmers with grants to invest in climate mitigation and adaptation strategies on…
Natural Resources & Climate Climate Resilience & Disaster Relief Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Develop business coaching provider training programs specific to farm and food businesses
Develop or enlist expertise, like the Hirshberg Entrepreneurship Institute, for business coaching provider training programs to help them understand…
Equity & Justice, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability Access to Capital Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding
Produce consumer marketing to promote local food as a community issue
This marketing should emphasize the benefits of local food to personal health, local economies, the quality and freshness of local products, and the…
Engagement & Education Restaurants Program creation, support, or expansion
Host annual local sourcing educational match-making events for restaurants and farms
Fund the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food and a non-profit partner to design and host annual educational and matchmaking events around…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Restaurants Program creation, support, or expansion, Coordination/Network development or support, Investment/Funding
Create an advisory board to increase restaurants sourcing local ingredients
Create an advisory board or legislative commission, housed in the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food, to support and advocate for…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Restaurants Program creation, support, or expansion, Policy/Regulation
Pass legislation that subsidizes purchases of local food by New Hampshire schools
Pass an ongoing, permanent Local Food for Local Schools Purchasing Incentive Pilot Program that subsidizes purchases of local food by New Hampshire…
Engagement & Education, Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Institutional Markets Program creation, support, or expansion, Policy/Regulation
Support and fund wholesale-readiness technical assistance and infrastructure
Support New Hampshire farmers and food hubs interested in reaching wholesale and institutional markets through targeted wholesale- readiness…
Farm, Fish, & Food Business Viability, Nutrition & Access Institutional Markets Program creation, support, or expansion, Investment/Funding